Friday, December 17, 2010

Random Thoughts for a Friday morning

Sgęno Swagwe:gǫ    My thoughts for today are a mixture of gratitude and motivation. With the recent passing of one of our Elder women Faithkeepers at our Longhouse, I have been waiting for my sorrow to come. It hasn't. Instead I have been able to count myself as one of the lucky ones because for the past 15 years I was able to work alongside her and learn. The knowledge and teachings that I have received from her will continue to be passed on to others. This I know to be true. It makes me reflect back on the amazing people that I can count in my life as teachers. Some are still here, others have passed on. All ages, young and old. Sometimes a teacher passes into my life to deliver one simple truth or reminder and is not seen again. Others like her stay in our lives for a long time to share what they know. Blessed are those that are able to receive!
My motivation comes from knowing that THIS is the generation that will carry it forward. We were given those gifts, now what are we going to do with them? There will never be a shortage of things to learn about our language and culture....but rather than viewing it as a burden & responsibility to learn it all, I see it as a wonderful opportunity to carry on a legacy from some pretty amazing people. Now, let's snap to it and get to work!  Dane:toh  swani:kwa

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ayawę́  sgę:no  tagęhęk  nęgę  dawe⁷  tganiwęhnihsrage  

ędwadowisęh  hne  hni⁷  hne  dędwadotgado⁷

 Cayuga translation for:
“Wishing you a safe & festive holiday season!”
 translation credit: Lottie Keye