Monday, January 3, 2011


The coming of a new year, brings with it the time to take stock in the gains and achievements of the previous year. As well, it is a chance to reflect on areas we would like to improve on. It is a time to build on past successes and develop new strategies. With that in mind, as a person interested in language & culture, what do you feel is the most beneficial way to learn a second language? What types of things work for you? What doesn't?


  1. One post via fb was to send out weekly post-it notes, like the word of the week kinda thing. As they like to post words around the house to increase their retention.
    Another comment was to have a show, similar to the concept of Dora...where the words are incorporated into the show/video in a fun visual manner. Keep the suggestions coming!

  2. Via FB: "Resources need to be made to both the speaker and student some sort of living allowance, or an incentive to ppl on social assistance ...a cool idea would be to pair up an elder who is in need of a home maker.. the home maker being the student. then everyday words come into play...and only speak the language// over maybe a 3 yr period. Or it could be a grandchild and grandparent living together..speaking only language. Some type of progress monitoring structure would have to be developed. I had a entire plan and proposal written for a 3 year project..for 25 students and 25 elders. There is no one would fund it...thats our biggest problem right there to language revival."
