Monday, November 8, 2010

égade⁷nyéda⁷ ganikwi:yo

Sgéno swagwe:go   Hope this finds you all well this morning! One lesson I have been trying to remind myself of daily is to be thankful. This helps me to stay on track with using ganikwi:yo (a good mind). This is central to Haudenosaunee beliefs. You hear this often amongst people, in the community, etc; but what does it really mean? One thing I have come to accept, is that it means something different to each person.  Undertanding that has helped me to appreciate others concepts and opinions. I have been thinking of what it means to me, and truly trying to incorporate it into my life.  For myself, a big part of using ganikwi:yo includes our thoughts. I am making a conscious effort to be more tolerant, loving and compassionate with my thoughts. Thoughts are energy. So I figure the more we can create ganikwi:yo using our thoughts, the better off this planet will be. We all have that ability within us to empower ourselves and other people. That is the power of our mind, and I believe the basis behind using ganikwi:yo. It is up to us to put that power into gear and make ganikwi:yo a part of our daily lives.... éwa:dǫ́  Édwadenyéde⁷ (let's all of us try it)

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